Spider-Man the musical

•March 6, 2009 • Leave a Comment

July 12 and 13.
That is when a reading of the Spider-Man musical will take place in New York according to PlayBill.com.
It’s title is, “Spider-Man,Turn Off the Dark>’
Julie Taymor will be directing the musical. Taymor, in 1998, for her direction of the Broadway musical The Lion King, was the first female director to earn the Tony Award for Best Direction of a Musical.
Bono and The Edge (members of U2) will be provide the music and lyrics for the presentation.
The actors for Peter Parker/Spider-Man, Mary Jane(rumor is, according to Rolling Stone is that Evan Rachel Wood wants the part) and Norman Osborn/Green Goblin, still have yet to be cast.
There are also rumors that this is going to be the most expensive Broadway musical to perform and put together to date.
“Spider-Man, Turn Off the Dark,” is set to premier on Broadway in February of 2010.

When i first heard of this development (making Spider-Man into a Broadway musical), i was APPALLED.
Spider-Man is my favorite superhero and has been ever since i was a little girl. And as much as i LOVE musicals and stage performances, I was offended that they would try to turn such a masculine and cool character into some girly singing prancer.
But, the more i read up on the organization and what they plan to do, the more excited i become.
I think they can actually pull this off and make it one hell of a fantastic show.
My Spidey-Sense is tingling.
I only wish i could afford to fly to New York to see it opening night on Broadway myself.

2009 US Bombing Predicted?

•March 6, 2009 • Leave a Comment

This post doesn’t really have much to do with the main focus of my blog site but i found it while searching on youtube and thought it was really interesting and it has definitely made me want to get my life into perspective. Not to mention scare the hell out of me. Alexey Fud is supposedly Russian clairvoyant and is well known for his predictions. I tried to do some research and could not find anything further beyond that sentence about him, so whether its real or not, you can decide. Keep in mind Russia is not such a big fan of the US.

The Bachelor and The Bobby-Soxer

•February 20, 2009 • Leave a Comment

Today I saw “The Bachelor and The Bobby-Soxer” on the Turner Classic Movie Channel (my favorite channel by the way). Cary Grant, Myrna Loy and Shirley Temple (YES! THE Shirley Temple) star in this adorable black and white film.
The “The Bachelor and The Bobby-Soxer” was released in 1947 and directed by Irving Reis and written by Sidney Sheldon. In fact, Sidney Sheldon won an academy award for best Writing and original screenplay.

I am a huge fan of Cary Grant, I love pretty much everything i see him in, and this movie is no exception.

Not to mention, once I realized the young woman the movie focused on was Shirley Temple, I was hooked! (Strangely enough, I recognized her from her one dimple on the right side of her face when she smiled).

Shirley Temple’s teenage character, Susan Turner, develops an infatuation for an older artist and playboy Richard Nugent (Cary). Shortly after, she sneaks into his apartment to convince him to use her as a model for a portrait and her sister, a judge who has overseen cases involving Nugent, Margaret Turner (Loy) catches them together alone and gives Richard the choice of either jail or dating her younger sister, Susan, in hopes that this will cure her infatuation.

This movie has loads of charm, wonderful acting, is had me constantly giggling and of course has that classic ‘feel good’ ending.

**Facts on movie provided by imdb.com

The Shack

•February 6, 2009 • 2 Comments

Recently I read a book titled The Shack by William Young. My grandmother’s best friend, Barbara, had read it because her pastor recommended it. After this she sent it from California to my grandmother in Idaho with a letter of praise for the work. My grandmother, in turn, read it straight away sent it to my father here in Arizona, to read along with Barbara’s letter. My father let it sit on his book shelf for a few weeks. Meanwhile, I eyed it curiously until finally I grabbed it and declared, “I’m just going to read it, you’re taking too long.”

I was a bit hesitant at first, worried it would be too preachy, but if my grandmother said it was good, it must be.

It is a story about a father of three who has one of his daughters kidnapped and murdered during a family camping trip and how he copes, or prevents himself from coping with the severe emotional impacts of such an ordeal until he has a miraculous experience with God. It is almost like a modern day Pilgrim’s Progress (as other people who have read it would say as well).

Around the middle of the book it does seem to become a bit monotonously cheerful and preachy, and I ALMOST stopped reading but good thing I didn’t because shortly after I made myself pull through it got ten times better. This book, if you have Christian beliefs, makes you see some of the things you might have or might be questioning such as judgment and death, for example, in a whole new yet completely logical perspective. This book is so moving. It made me feel a vast array of emotions. I cried from anger, sadness and happiness during this book. And the ending is just AWESOME! It is heart warming and, a great strategy by Young, unexpected.

One of the biggest reasons this book had such an impact on me personally, not only because I struggle in my faith but was also due to the fact that I have lost a little brother. It gave me a whole new way of looking at his death and what he might be doing right now in the after life.

After finished the book I shoved it in my fathers face and said, “Read it. Now. I mean it.” He did. He then, in turn, brought it to my aunt in Idaho during his vacation and I am sure she has passed it on to somebody else since then, or at least I hope.

Since I read this book I have heard it mentioned all over, had several people ask if i have read it and seen it in dozens and dozens of book displays. Read it. We can’t all be wrong.

The Lion King

•February 6, 2009 • 1 Comment

Last night, for my much awaited birthday present (my birthday was December 23rd), my father brought me to see Disney’s The Lion King musical at the ASU Gammage Auditorium. The costumes were so unique and imaginative yet realistic. All the animals and plants were played by performers in costumes. It was unlike anything I have ever seen before and sure I will not see again. The amount of creativity and talent that I was seeing on stage baffled me. Disney took a HUGE risk with choosing their choreographer considering he was so unknown and unique in his vision, and it definitely paid off. It has been 12 years since The Lion King debuted and it is still selling out.If you ever get a chance to see it, by God, see it! It was PHENOMENAL!


•January 16, 2009 • 1 Comment

Well, this is my first blog post.

I don’t really have anything else to say besides make sure you keep up with the Puma Press issues this semester! And keep checking in with all of our blogs because we are very excited about this advancement in our publishing.